The Criminal Code WA is a set of laws that state what people can and cannot do in Western Australia, including offenses like murder. Criminal offenses are considered crimes. The Criminal Code WA sets out all the rules for criminal law in this state.
There are three points you need to know:
1 – It’s Constantly Changing
The criminal code is constantly changing because new legislation is passed by Parliament every year, and judges apply these new laws to cases. It is also continually changing because of new interpretations by judges of old legislation. The Criminal Code Compilation Act 1913 has been amended more than 100 times already!
2 – There Are Different Types Of Criminal Offenses
There are three main categories: offenses against the person, property crimes, and sexual assault. It’s important to note that criminal cases can either be heard in Supreme Court or Magistrates’ Court, depending on how severe the charges are.
3 – The Criminal Offences Can Range From Less Than A Year In Prison To Life Imprisonment
Criminal offenses range from less than a year in prison up to life imprisonment. Some Criminal Code charges can be heard either in Supreme Court or Magistrates’ Court, depending on the severity of the offense and how much jail time is involved.
Criminal Code WA offenses range from less than a year in prison up to life imprisonment. Some Criminal Code charges can be heard either in Supreme Court or Magistrates’ Court, depending on the severity of the offense and how much jail time is involved.