Designer patio furniture is a hot commodity right now. However, for most of us, it is just too expensive to consider purchasing. However, some pieces you can find at affordable prices will look great and allow you to enjoy the outdoors in style.
There are several ways to ensure that you get a designer set without spending all your money on it. Here are some tips: 1) Stick with lighter colors — This goes for cushions, frame materials, tabletop surfaces, and even finishes if possible. Generally speaking, darker colors absorb more heat from the sun, which can be uncomfortable when sitting outside. 2) Look into resin wicker — Woven patterns made out of synthetic resin give you that designer look without the corresponding price tag. In addition, it has a much higher resistance to weather and water damage as well as heat, so it will last you for many years if properly cared for. 3) Check into aluminum — Aluminum is just as stylish and can be just as comfortable to sit on. It’s also less susceptible to rust than other metals and therefore has a longer life span outside exposed to the elements. 4) Teak is still popular — Teak patio furniture is generally more expensive than other types of wood due to its density. Still, it also lasts for decades if taken care of properly.