Chinese Medicine is a form of alternative medicine used for over two thousand years, making it the oldest continuously practiced medical system in the world. It uses natural remedies to treat illness and improve health using herbs, acupuncture needles, moxibustion (burning mugwort), cupping therapy (suction cups), and Chinese massage (tui an). It has been used in Eastern Asia for thousands of years but is now famous worldwide.
Chinese Medicine Melbourne treats illness by balancing Yin Yang, which are two opposing forces that work together to create harmony within our bodies. It uses herbs such as ginseng root, dong quai, Chinese skullcap, and Chinese rhubarb to treat illness. Chinese Medicine practitioners also use acupuncture needles to stimulate specific points along the body’s meridians (channels), which help Qi flow more freely through them to balance and restore health. Chinese massage stimulates acupoints along energy pathways, which helps to improve the overall flow of Qi.