A firewall expert witness is a critical person in the process of litigation. This person is responsible for ensuring that all computer data and other forms of electronic evidence are authentic, reliable, and legally obtained. The expert also helps to ensure that attorneys and jurors correctly understand technical information. The expert should be well versed in both civil and criminal law issues to provide this service for their clients.
Why is this important?
Having a firewall expert who is well versed in the legal system can help provide evidence that may not have otherwise been obtained. This person can break down technical jargon into layman’s terms so jurors can understand what they are being shown. The expert will also establish credibility, which is essential when it comes time for trial proceedings.
There are also several expert services available on the internet. The most important thing to look for is experience, and they generally have years of it. A simple web search can lead you in the right direction and some research into different companies that offer these types of services.
We hope this information has been helpful to you.