If you are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and have ever been pulled over by the police, you know the panic that sets in when trying to communicate with an officer. Even if you can lipread, there is a lot that gets missed in a noisy car. Police officers are busy people and often don’t have time to learn Sign Language just for one interaction. That’s where a Sign Language interpreter for police comes in.
What should I know about this?
An interpreter for police is a certified professional who can interpret between Sign Language and English. This means that they can communicate with the Deaf or Hard of Hearing person in their own language, while also relaying information to the officer in English.
How do I get one?
If you are ever pulled over by the police and need an interpreter, simply ask the officer if they can provide one for you. In many states, it is required by law that they provide an interpreter if requested.
We hope this information has been useful to you.