The strapless motorcycle tie down is an innovative strapless tie-down designed to work with any bike, including choppers and dirt bikes.
What are the benefits of this?
These tie-downs are the perfect solution for those who want maximum stability while strapping their bike down on a trailer or the back of a truck. The strappy design of these devices eliminates the need for straps which can be difficult to tighten when they have been loosened by exposure to heat. Tie-downs are also much easier to store than traditional strap designs because there is no excess material left over after use.
– strappy design eliminates the need for straps which can be difficult to tighten when they have been loosened by exposure to heat.
– The tie-down is an innovative strapless designed to work with any bike, including choppers and dirt bikes. These tie-downs are the perfect solution for those who want maximum stability while strapping their bike down on a trailer or the back of a truck. Tie-downs are also much easier to store than traditional strap designs because there is no excess material left over after use.
We hope this information has been helpful to you.